Edit HTML chronicles of neophytal ~ quetzalcoatl
[ultra cool graphic]
Sunday, December 02, 2007

so, i finally picked up wotg. yeah a little late. zethren and i explored a bit, he kinda showed me around some places.

[LETS FIGHT. OVER THE WALL. you bard punk. your music sucks.]

hopefully more content comes out, im rather disappointed with the expansion thus far.... :(

~ neophytal - 22:57

char born::: 12.03.2003
blog born::: 12.03.2005

日本翻訳[ english > JP ]

*previous entries

*primary character
  • character::: neophytal
  • server::: quetzalcoatl
  • race::: male, elvaan
  • linkshell::: kaizen

*neophytal jobs
  • 75 black mage.
  • 75 monk.
  • 75 ninja.
  • 75 red mage.
  • 75 summoner.
  • *
  • 67 samurai.
  • 37 dark knight.
  • 37 thief.
  • 37 warrior.
  • 37 white mage.
  • 12 ranger.
  • 10 puppetmaster.
  • 0l beastmaster.

my buddy
  • name::: balu-falu
  • race::: tarutaru
  • type::: healer npc!
  • level::: 42

security clearance

area access:::

  • [all]~


  • completed [44/74]

outpost warps:::

  • completed [08/18]


  • hero/sandoria
  • hero/bastok
  • hero/windurst
  • hero/jeuno
  • sand'oria, rank 10.
  • zilart, completed.
  • cop, completed.
  • toau, mission 30.
  • wotg, ??.

dynamis currency:::

  • 1oo coin [0]
  • singles [101]

limbus currency:::

  • ancient beastcoin[57]

spending points:::

  • conquest[115,000]
  • imperial stdg. [80,000]

the art of crafting ~ retired


  • alchemy.....(65)
  • clothcraft..(4)
  • cooking.....(12)
  • fishing.....(10)
  • goldsmithing(41)
  • leathercraft(0)
  • smithing....(0)
  • woodworking.(60)

character enhancements
241 merits:::

all jobs:
[6/8] hp/mp:::
  • [x4] hp add (+40)
  • [x2] mp add (+20)
[2/5] stat increases:::
  • [x2] str upgrade

[14/20] combat/def skills:::

  • [x8]* h2h skill (+14)
  • [x2] katana skill (+4)
  • [x1] gkt skill (+2)
  • [x3] evasion skill +6

[10/16] magic skills:::

  • [x8]* elemental skill
  • [x4] enfeebling skill

[6/8] others:::

  • [x4]* crit. hits +4%
  • [x1] enemy crit -1%
  • [x1] spell int -1%

job specific:
black mage:::
  • cat one: [7/10]
  • [x2] ice potency
  • [x5]* lightning potency
  • *
  • cat two: [2/6]
  • [x3]* burst II
  • [x1] freeze II

  • cat one: [10/10]
  • [x5]* kick attk +5%
  • [x5]* counter +5%
  • *
  • cat two: [1/6]
  • [1/3] invigorate
  • cat one: [1/10]
  • [x1] subtle blow +1
red mage:::
  • cat one: [3/10]
  • [x2] ice acc. +6
  • [x1] wind acc. +3
  • *
  • cat two: [3/6]
  • [x1] phalanx II
  • [x1] paralyze II
  • [x1] slow II


  • cat one: [8/10]
  • [x5]* avatar accuracy
  • [x3] avatar attack


prized posessions:::

  • [mage] dalmatica
  • [mage] herald gaiters

mage gear:::

  • yinyang robe[r/e]
  • shamans cloak[r/e]
  • warlock's tabard+1[r/e]
  • penance hat
  • mahatma slops
  • nashira seraweels[r/e]
  • forest rope
  • hyorin obi[r/e]
  • rairin obi[r/e]
  • wood m ledelsens
  • intensifying cape
  • prism cape
  • crimson greaves[g]
  • zenith mitts[g]
  • zenith pumps[g]
  • zenith slacks[g]
  • genbu's shield[g]

mage accessories:::

  • elemental torque
  • enfeebling torque
  • ugg. pendent
  • fenrir's torque[r/e]
  • dark ring
  • evokers ring[r/e]
  • serket ring
  • snow ring
  • loquacious earring[r/e]
  • magnetic earring[r/e]
  • moldavite earring[r/e]
  • hedgehog bomb

mage weapons:::

  • aquilo's staff
  • auster's staff
  • hope staff[r/e]
  • jupiter's staff
  • kirins pole[g]
  • light staff
  • neptune's staff
  • pluto's staff
  • terra's staff
  • zen pole

melee gear:::

  • kirin's osode[r/e]
  • haubergeon
  • emperors headpin
  • genbu's kabuto[g]
  • optical hat[r/e]
  • walahra turban[r/e]
  • ochiudos kote
  • dusk gloves
  • seiryu's kote[r/e]
  • black belt[r/e]
  • bahamut hose[r/e]
  • fuma sune-ate
  • foragers mantle
  • boxers mantle[r/e]

melee accessories:::

  • evasion torque
  • fortitude torque[r/e]
  • peacock charm
  • brutal earring[r/e]
  • cassie earring
  • flame ring
  • rajas ring[r/e]
  • snipers ring
  • fenrir's stone[r/e]
  • bomb core
  • olibanum sachet[r/e]
  • ungur boomerang[r/e]

melee weapons:::

  • destroyers[r/e]
  • faith baghnakhs[r/e]
  • fortitude axe[r/e]
  • fudo katana
  • justice sword[r/e]
  • senjuinrikio katana[r/e]
  • soboro sukehiro[r/e]
  • suzaku's scythe[r/e]
  • temperance axe[r/e]
  • thundercloud[r/e]

artifact 2:::

  • blm: sorcerer's coat
  • blm: sorcerer's gloves
  • blm: sorcerer's petasos
  • mnk: melee cyclas
  • mnk: melee hose
  • mnk: melee gaiters
  • nin: koga sarashi
  • rdm: duelists chapeau
  • rdm: duelists gloves
  • sam: saotome sune-ate
  • smn: smn horn-1
  • smn: smn pigaches


  • dryadic hands paper
  • aquarian head paper

salvage gear:::

  • anu's tiara
  • enyo's cruisses
  • hoshikazu hachimaki
  • njord's gloves

key =

  • [g]= god gear
  • [r/ex]= rare/ex

check out a combined sample of my gear:::

no merits included.

notorious monster slayings

sea jailers:::

  • [x] t1: temperance
  • [x] t1: fortitude
  • [x] t1: faith
  • [x] t2: hope
  • [x] t2: love
  • [x] t2: justice
  • [x] t2: prudence
  • *
  • [..] absolute virtue


  • [x] despot
  • [x] faust
  • [x] motherglobe
  • [x] olla'sx3
  • [x] steamcleaner
  • [x] ullikummi
  • [x] zipacna
  • *
  • [x] byakko
  • [x] genbu
  • [x] seiryu
  • [x] suzaku
  • *
  • [x] kirin


  • [x] jormungand
  • [x] ouryu
  • [x] tiamat
  • [x] vrtra


  • [x] nidhogg
  • [x] king behemoth
  • [x] aspidechelone

nq kings:::

  • [x] fafnir
  • [x] behemoth
  • [x] adamantoise


  • [x] bahamut v1
  • [x] bahamut v2
  • [x] ouryu


  • [x] cerberus
  • [..] hydra
  • [x] khimaira


  • [x] sandworm

land hnm:::

  • [x] alkyoneus
  • [..] ash dragon
  • [..] amikiri
  • [..] ancient goobue
  • [..] ash dragon
  • [..] biast
  • [..] bloodtear baldurf
  • [x] bune
  • [x] cactrot rapido
  • [..] capricious cassie
  • [x] cemetary cherry
  • [..] king arthro
  • [x] king vinegarroon
  • [x] lord of onzozo
  • [x] lumberjack
  • [x] ogama
  • [x] overlord bakgodek
  • [x] roc
  • [x] serket
  • [x] simurgh
  • [..] tzee xicu the manifest
  • [x] voluptious vivian
  • [..] vuivre
  • [x] xoltl

toau small nm:::

  • [..] almighty apkallu
  • [x] emergent elm
  • [..] energetic eruca
  • [..] proteus

cop small nm:::

  • [..] abhac
  • [..] amaltheia
  • [x] padfoot

mainland small nm:::

  • [..] abyss sahagin
  • [x] ahtu
  • [x] aquarius
  • [..] arachne
  • [..] argus
  • [x] aroma crawler
  • [x] ashmaker gotblut
  • [..] asphyxiated amsel
  • [..] baronial bat
  • [..] bastard bomb
  • [..] beryl-footed molberry
  • [..] biast
  • [x] bisque-healed sunberry
  • [..] bright-handed kunberry
  • [x] cactuar cantautor
  • [x] cargo crab colin
  • [x] centurio x-i
  • [..] charybdis
  • [x] citipati
  • [..] coo keja the unseen
  • [..] count bifrons
  • [x] deadly dodo
  • [..] demonic tiphia
  • [x] drooling daisy
  • [..] dune widow
  • [..] eastern shadow
  • [x] eyy mon the ironbreaker
  • [..] father frost
  • [x] goblinsavior heronox
  • [x] golden bat
  • [..] guivre
  • [x] hoo mjuu the torrent
  • [..] ixtab
  • [..] jaggedy-eared jack
  • [..] jammer leech
  • [..] leaping lizzy
  • [..] leech king
  • [x] lich c magnus
  • [x] lumbering lambert
  • [x] maltha
  • [x] mee deggi the punisher
  • [x] mimas
  • [x] mooo ouzi the swiftblade
  • [x] morbolger
  • [..] morion worm
  • [x] mysticmaker profblix
  • [x] nightmare vase
  • [x] nue
  • [x] old two wings
  • [x] ose
  • [x] pallas
  • [x] peg prowler
  • [..] phantom worm
  • [x] poisonhand gnadgad
  • [x] quu domi the gallant
  • [x] rampaging ram
  • [..] rose garden
  • [..] sabotender bailarina
  • [..] sabotender mariachi
  • [x] sewer syrup
  • [x] shadow dragon
  • [x] shikagimi weapon
  • [x] skewer sam
  • [x] soulstealer skullnix
  • [..] southern shadow
  • [..] sozu rogberry
  • [x] steelfleece baldarich
  • [..] stinging sophie
  • [..] stray mary
  • [x] taxim
  • [x] tyrannical tunok
  • [x] ungur
  • [x] waraxe beak
  • [x] valkurm emperor
  • [..] western shadow
  • [x] wyvernpoacher drachlox
  • [x] yaa haqa the profane
  • [x] yagudo high priest
  • [..] za'dha adamantking
  • [x] zhuu buxu the silent
  • [..] zuug the shoreleaper

pop item nms:::

  • [..] alastor antlion
  • [x] bomb queen
  • [..] bugbear matman
  • [x] dark spark
  • [x] goblin archaelogist
  • [x] golden-tongue culberry
  • [x] gration
  • [x] hakutaku
  • [..] shen


  • [x] diabolos prime
  • [x] fenrir prime
  • [x] garuda prime
  • [x] ifrit prime
  • [x] leviathan prime
  • [x] ramuh prime
  • [x] shiva prime
  • [x] titan prime


  • [x] dynamis-bastok
  • [x] dynamis-sandoria
  • [x] dynamis-windurst
  • [x] dynamis-bubu
  • [..] dynamis-qufim
  • [..] dynamis-tavnazia
  • [..] dynamis-valkurm
  • [x] dynamis-beaucedine
  • [x] dynamis-xarcabard

kindred seal fights:::

  • [x] adamantoise ks99
  • [x] behemoth ks99
  • [x] fafnir ks99
  • *
  • [..] contaminated colosseum
  • [..] e-vase-ive action
  • [..] eye of the storm
  • [x] operation desert swarm
  • [..] royal ramble
  • [..] today's horoscope

beastmen seal fights:::

  • [..] charming trio
  • [..] creeping doom
  • [..] harem scarem
  • [..] royal succession
  • [..] steamed sprouts
  • [..] rapid raptors
  • [..] treasure and tribulations
  • [..] divine punishers
  • [..] wild wild whiskers
  • [..] moa constrictors
  • [..] seasons greetings
  • [..] the scarlet king
  • [..] cactuar suave
  • [..] wings of fury
  • [x] double dragonians
  • [..] petrifying pair
  • [..] toadal recall
  • [..] shooting fish
  • [..] carapace combatants
  • [..] dropping like flies
  • [x] under observation
  • [..] tailes of woe
  • [..] eye of the tiger
  • [..] hostile herbivores
  • [..] dismemberment brigade
  • [..] shots in the dark
  • [..] infernal swarm
  • [..] come into my parlor
  • [..] die by the sword
  • [x] undying promise
  • [..] idol thoughts
  • [..] brothers d'aurphe
  • [..] celery
  • [..] demolition squad
  • [..] amphibian assault
  • [..] kindred spirits
  • [..] uninvited guests
  • [..] royal jelly
  • [..] prehistoric pigeons
  • [x] copycat
  • [..] crustacean conundrum
  • [..] birds of a feather
  • [x] the worms turn
  • [..] the final bout
  • [..] 3,2,1
  • [..] grimshell shocktroopers
  • [..] up in arms


  • [x] apocalypse nigh
  • [x] divine might
  • [x] ouryu cometh

**note: x denotes slaying--
[losses or claims do not count]

weapon skills


  • [..] avalanche axe
  • [..] calamity
  • [..] decimation
  • [x] gale axe
  • [..] mistral axe
  • [x] raging axe
  • [..] rampage
  • [x] smash axe
  • [x] spinning axe


  • [..] black halo
  • [x] brainshaker
  • [..] hexa strike
  • [..] judgement
  • [x] moonlight
  • [x] seraph strike
  • [x] shining strike
  • [..] skull breaker
  • [..] true strike


  • [x] cyclone
  • [..] dancing edge
  • [..] energy drain
  • [x] energy steal
  • [..] evisceration
  • [x] gust slash
  • [x] shadowstitch
  • [..] shark bite
  • [x] viper bite
  • [x] wasp sting

great axe:::

  • [..] armor break
  • [..] full break
  • [..] ground strike
  • [..] iron tempest
  • [..] keen edge
  • [..] shield break
  • [..] steel cyclone
  • [..] sturmwind
  • [..] weapon break

great katana:::

  • [x] tachi:enpi
  • [x] tachi:hobaku
  • [..] tachi:gekko
  • [x] tachi:goten
  • [x] tachi:jinpu
  • [x] tachi:kagero
  • [..] tachi:kasha
  • [x] tachi:koki
  • [x] tachi:yukikaze


  • [x] asuran fists
  • [x] backhand blow
  • [x] combo
  • [x] dragon kick
  • [x] howling fist
  • [x] one inch punch
  • [x] raging fists
  • [x] shoulder tackle
  • [x] spin attack


  • [x] blade:chi
  • [x] blade:ei
  • [..] blade:ku
  • [x] blade:jin
  • [x] blade:retsu
  • [x] blade:rin
  • [x] blade:teki
  • [x] blade:ten
  • [x] blade:to


  • [..] blast shot
  • [..] detonator
  • [..] empyreal arrow
  • [..] hot shot
  • [..] heavy shot
  • [..] slug shot
  • [..] sniper shot
  • [..] split shot


  • [..] cross repear
  • [..] dark harvest
  • [..] guillotine
  • [..] nightmare scythe
  • [..] shadow of death
  • [..] slice
  • [..] spinning scythe
  • [..] spiral hell


  • [..] double thrust
  • [..] impulse drive
  • [..] leg sweep
  • [..] penta thrust
  • [..] raiden thrust
  • [..] skewer
  • [..] vorpal thrust
  • [..] wheeling thrust


  • [x] earth crusher
  • [x] heavy swing
  • [..] retribution
  • [x] rock crusher
  • [x] shell crusher
  • [..] spirit taker
  • [x] starlight
  • [x] starburst
  • [x] sunburst


  • [x] burning blade
  • [x] circle blade
  • [x] fast blade
  • [x] flat blade
  • [x] red lotus
  • [x] savage blade
  • [x] seraph blade
  • [x] shine blade
  • [x] spirits within
  • [x] swift blade
  • [x] vorpal blade

*secondary character
  • character::: rones
  • server::: quetzalcoatl
  • race::: male, hume

rones jobs
  • 75 bard.
  • 75 white mage.
  • *
  • 37 black mage.
  • 22 monk.
  • 11 beastmaster.
  • 11 thief.
  • 8 warrior.

rones buddy
  • name::: karyn
  • race::: hume
  • type::: attacker npc!
  • level::: 61?

security clearance

area access:::

  • [all]~
    cop. toa. sky. sea.


  • completed [??/74]

outpost warps:::

  • completed [18/18]


  • bastok, rank 10.
  • zilart, completed.
  • cop, completed.
  • toau, mission ??.

character enhancements

    ? merits:::
    all jobs:

    [7/8] hp/mp :::

  • [1x] hp add (+10)
  • [6x] mp add (+60)

    [1/8] magic skill:::

  • [x1] enfeebling skill

    [5/8] others:::

  • [x4] enmity decrease
  • [x1] critical hits

    job specific:

    white mage:::

  • [5/5] regen potency
  • *
  • [1/3] shellraV spell




  • healing staff

artifact 2:::

  • full cleric set(whm)
  • full bard set(brd)

key =

  • [g]= god gear
  • [r/ex]= rare/ex

external site links

:::active quetzalcoatl blogs

:::semi-active quetzalcoatl blogs

:::other ffxi blogs

:::related ffxi sites

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